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Backstory is een term uit de filmwereld welke de achtergrond illustreert van de werk- en zienswijze.

Backstory -- [Storytelling] -- Although often embellished greatly in the Storytelling, Backstory is nothing more than a description of how a Main Character's justification built up over time, leading him to intersect with the story's problem, or how a story problem developed over time, leading it to intersect with the Main Character. Backstory outlines the sequence of events and the combination of forces that make the Main Character the central connecting point between the Main vs. Impact story problem and Overall (Objective) story problem. Backstory need not be presented to the audience as it is not essential to the story's argument about how to or how not to solve a problem. However, inclusion of Backstory can offer the additional benefits of showing the audience how to avoid the problem before it becomes a problem.


het verhaal,

achter het verhaal
  human development
   06 - 42 70 71 10
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